We've been working hard on your feedback and today we're excited to announce the official Assertible PagerDuty integration. Use the integration to create and auto-resolve incidents and alert your team when your tests are run. Try it out free!
Connecting with tools and services that are a core part of your teams workflow is an important requirement is creating an automated QA system. By integration with PagerDuty, teams will be able to react to API test failures faster and keep team members notified when tests are passing.

The official Assertible PagerDuty integration has been a widely requested feature, so we're excited to make it available to all accounts today -- free and upgraded! PagerDuty provides an extremely robus alerting and escalation system. Combining this with your automated API tests in Assertible creates a reliable monitoring system that you fine tune to your use case.
The integration has several features built-in:
- Create incidents on a per-test basis for fine-grained control over alerts.
- Auto-resolve incidents and alert your team when the test is passing.
- Control
settings to create different escalation policies for differen tests.
Every account has access to the new PagerDuty integration, so sign up or log in and try it out! For more information and how-to's, check out the integration documentation.
Next steps
Integrating real-time failures, statuses, and other data into your existing tools is a big part of what makes Assertible useful, and we plan on continuing to build out in this direction so you can take full advatantage throughout all of your organization.
If you have any feedback on the new changes, or would like to see something in Assertible or an integration, send us a message, reach out on Twitter, or open the chat box on this page!
:: Cody Reichert
The easiest way to test and
monitor your web services

Reduce bugs in web applications by using Assertible to create an automated QA pipeline that helps you catch failures & ship code faster.

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