05/02/2017 Featured Christopher Reichert

Learn how to set up an automated API testing and monitoring pipeline based on a Swagger or OpenAPI specification.

Swagger Logo

Testing your API using information from a Swagger/OpenAPI specification is simple using Assertible. There are only 3 steps:

  1. Import a Swagger definition
  2. Configure parameters and auth
  3. Setup automated monitoring and post-deploy testing

1. Import a Swagger definition

To get started, create an Assertible account and log-in. The first thing you should see is an import form:

Assertible import form import Swagger OpenAPI definition

Psst! If you already have an account, click the **Services** drop-down in the top-right navigation then click **New web service**.

Next, click the "or import your Swagger spec" link. Enter the URL to your hosted Swagger spec in the text input or select File in the drop-down to import a file.

Assertible import form GitHub API dry run

When you click Import URL, you will see a preview of the web service and tests that will be created. For each endpoint/method combination in your spec, Assertible will create one test. If you have a lot of tests, uncheck Automatically run these tests checkbox.

In the example picture above, I'm using a Swagger spec I created for the public GitHub API. Clicking the Import spec button shows that there will be 6 tests imported.

To finalize the import, click Create service and tests. Assertible will redirect you to your new web service's overview page.

2. Configure parameters and auth

If your Swagger definition is non-trivial, you likely have parameters and security definitions that need to be configured before your tests will pass.


For each parameter in your Swagger definition associated with a specific endpoint, Assertible will create a test variable automatically. If the parameter does not have a default value defined in the OpenAPI spec, Assertible will set the value as undefined.

Navigate through each test and check the Variables section in the test configuration view (bottom right corner of the picture below).

For the GitHub API, one test I imported has a {{username}} parameter defined in the path with no default. Assertible has set the variable value as undefined. Simply update the variable to a hard-coded value. If you need dynamic variable data, for example from another HTTP request, use setup steps.

GitHub API undefined Assertible variable


When you first run your tests, they may fail due to HTTP request requirements like auth, headers, or query parameters.

If your Swagger definition defines any security schemes, most of the work is already done. Navigate to your web service's Settings tab, and look for the Authentication view.

Assertible web service auth settings

The public GitHub API does not require auth explicitly. However, it does require a User-Agent header. Headers can be created on the test configuration page right under Variables (the Request headers view).

Assertible adding required User-Agent header for public GitHub API

In the example above, the test is in a failure state because I haven't created the User-Agent header yet. After creating the User-Agent header my test will be passing.

Test result GitHub API passing request headers

3. Setup automated monitoring and post-deploy testing

The next step is to configure automation to ensure your web service is continuously tested. Assertible supports several types of automation:


Every basic API monitoring stack should have scheduled test runs. To configure scheduled monitoring in Assertible, navigate to the Monitoring tab and click Setup up a schedule:

Assertible dashboard create new schedule

You should see a form to create the schedule. Select Hourly schedule or Daily schedule from the Frequency drop-down. Finally, hit Create schedule to finalize your configuration.

Assertible dashboard create new schedule


Now that you have schedules set up, you'll need to be alerted when there are test failures. To configure alerts, navigate to the web service Settings tab, and click Hooks & Alerts. You should see options to configure Slack, Email, or Zapier.

Assertible dashboard create new schedule

At Assertible, we use Slack notifications for test failure alerts and a Zapier trigger to open new issues on GitHub when critical tests fail. If you just want a simple email notification, click the Add one now link in the Email hooks view and then click Add Hook.

Assertible web service email hook configuration

Post-deploy testing

Schedules are only one piece of the monitoring puzzle. Ideally, your API tests are executed every time you deploy a new version of your API; especially if you have a continuous integration and delivery pipeline.

Navigate to the Deployments tab and check out the Bash / Command-line example.

Assertible dashboard create new schedule

Integrate this script into your deployment pipeline or execute it manually after you deploy. Assertible records the deployment version in your test results so that you can track regressions when tests fail after a specific version of your API is deployed.

Post-deploy testing is not strictly required but is a great way to augment your continuous integration pipeline or deployment process.


That's it! Using Swagger in combination with Assertible is a pretty easy way to reduce the burden of creating many redundant tests.

What does your API testing setup look like? Shoot us a message on Twitter and let us know! Check it out and sign up for a free Assertible account to start testing every single deployment!

Examples and further reading:

:: Christopher Reichert


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